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Tutorial module MS. Word 2007 - Microsoft Office Word is you are the Microsoft software that serves as a word processor. There are many facilities in this software, which is able to menunjung various purposes for its users, ranging from typing text, preparation of the manuscript or proposal, reports, scientific papers, job application and manufacture of diagrams or tables and insert pictures of various objects in writing.

In historical records, microsoft office word was first published around 1983, by which time it's called Multi-Tool Word for Xenik. Along with its development, then comes the newer versions of other operating systems, such as DOS (1983), Apple Macintosh (1984), SCO UNIQUE, OS / 2, and Microsoft Windows (1989) and after being part of the Microsoft Office System 2003 and 2007, later named Microsoft Office Word.

Until now, the majority of computer users use ofiice microsoft word 2007, but due to MS. Word 2007 is still fairly new, so many of them are still confused in operating the program. Therefore, through this article, intend to share the tutorial module microsoft office word 2007 complete with a history of the development of Microsoft Word.

Many of the ideas and concepts drawn from the Word Bravos, the first graphics-based word processor developed at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). Creator Bravo, Charles Simonyi, left Xerox PARC and moved to Microsoft in 1981. Simonyi also hook Richard Brodie from PARC. On February 1, 1983, the development of the Multi-Tool Word began.

After being given a new name Microsoft Word, Microsoft publishes this program on October 25, 1983 for the IBM PC. The world is currently dominated by the word processor WordPerfect and WordStar.
Word has the concept of "What You See Is What You Get", or WYSIWYG, and is the first program that can display the bold and italic on the IBM PC. Word too much use of the mouse when it is not uncommon that they offer a package Word-with-Mouse. Another DOS-based word processors, such as WordStar and WordPerfect, displaying only text with markup codes and colors to mark the formatting bold, italic, and so on.
Word for the Macintosh, although it has many differences in appearance of the DOS version of her, programmed by Ken Shapiro with little difference from the source code version of DOS, written for high resolution display screen and laser printers, although no such products are circulated to the public. After LisaWrite and MacWrite, Microsoft is trying to add features to the package program WYSIWYG Word for Macintosh. After Word for Macintosh was released in 1985, the program that is wide enough to get the attention of the computer user community. Microsoft makes Word version 2.0 for Macintosh, to equate with the Word version for systems or other platforms.
The next version of Word for the Macintosh, is a Word 3.0, which was released in 1987. This version includes many improvements and new features but has a lot of bugs. In just a few months, replacing Microsoft Word 3.0 with Word 3:01, which is much more stable. All registered users of Word 3.0 sent a letter containing a copy of the Word 3:01 for free, making it Microsoft's most expensive mistake to be redeemed at that time. Word 4.0, which was released in 1989, is a version of the very successful and stable use.
Year 1990-1995
In the span of this year, Word for Windows was launched. The first version of Word for Windows was released in 1989 at a price of 500 US Dollars. With the release of Microsoft Windows 3.0 in the next year, was finally boosted sales rise, given the Word for Windows 1.0 is designed for Windows 3.0 and the performance is very bad if run on earlier versions. Microsoft to wait until the release of Word 2.0 for Microsoft Word as the confirmed market leader of word processing. (Source:

To start running the program Microsoft Word? Please follow the steps below:
1. Select the Start button in the lower left corner of the display windows.
2. After the display appears the menu select Programs, then Microsoft Office and Choose
3. Microsoft Office Word 2007.

The main elements Screen Ms Word.
1. Title Windows
Title Bar Displays the name of the file and Microsoft Word, the file name before the change was Document1, Document2 and so on. In the right corner of the window there is a button next to the minimize, maximize
and close the Word application.
2. Office Button
Used for :
- Create a new file
- Open the file
- Saving files
- Print
- Out of the word
Office button on the right side there is a button that is used to store, Undo, Redo and Customize Quick Access Toolbar.
3. Customize Quick Access Toolbar
Used to display the desired button2 to appear on the taskbar, for example if we click the button and open a new document, the button will appear on the taskbar. For tips, show a button that you frequently use to speed up the work.
4. Menu
Each active menu (which we click) will bring up a toolbar underneath.
5. Toolbar
A row of tools (pictures shaped buttons) that represent commands and functions to simplify and streamline the operation of the program.
6. Cursor
Insertion Point the cursor or an indicator of where the text will appear if we are going to type. This position needs to be considered because Ms Word to use it as a basis to do a job that we ordered.
7. Rollers Text
For ease of reading a document with vertical and horizontal scroll.
8. Entering Text
Once familiar with the basics of screen Word, text can be directly entered. There are a few things to know:
* Tab is used to mengidentasi on the first line.
* Word will automatically start a new line when the text reaches the right edge of the page.
* In case of a typing error press Backspace to delete it.
Press Enter to add a blank line.
* Insert point (cursor) Used to start entering text.
* Pointer Mouse moves the screen when the mouse is moved. This pointer appears in the form of letters I or arrows.
9. Fix Text
When a document is created, often need to move the insertion point to add or delete text in a different location. Do the following:
9.1 Using a Mouse
Slide the mouse pointer shaped I-beam to the position that you want in the text area and click the mouse. If the position that you are communicating does not appear, need to roll to the desired location, use the up and down arrows to move up or down one line. Use the double arrow up and down (below the vertical toolbar) to go up or down one page.
9.2 Using Keyboard
If you use the keys on the numeric keypad, make sure NUM LOCK in the off state. Consider the following table.
Transfer of Command
One character to the left ←
One character to the right →
One line up ↑
One line down ↓
To end of line End
To the start line Home
Up one screen Page Up
Down one screen Page Down
End of the document Ctrl + End
The beginning of the document Ctrl + Home
10. Saving Documents
To save the document click the Office button and select Save or click the Save button on the Toolbar or can directly use the keyword by pressing Ctrl + S and will pop up a dialog, then select the location of the file (directory) in the Save in :, type the file name in the File name, then press the Save button. As an exercise give the name on file that has been typed by the name Lat1.doc
11. Closing Documents
When you have finished working on a document and save it been completed, it may need to close the document and then work on other documents. Click the Office button and select Close.
12. Open Documents
To open the document click the Office button and select Open, Word will display a dialog box, and then you look for the directory and Folders That the file to be opened in the Look in and click the file to open and then press the button Open the file you will be displayed on the screen Word. As an exercise, go back Lat1.doc files that have been made earlier.

A. Starting Making Manuscript

    Activate the worksheet Microsoft Word
    Arrange Margin worksheet
    Type the desired text

B. Setting / Set Page Microsoft Word
1. Click the Page Layout
a. Click the Margins tab
b. Select the margins desired shape
c. If no suitable size, click Custom Margins and specify:
* Top: The distance between the upper side of paper with text / text.
* Bottom: The distance between the bottom side of the paper with text / text.
* Left: The distance between the left side of the paper with the left side of the manuscript.
* Right: The distance between the right side of the paper with the right side of the manuscript.
* Gutter: extra spacing at the left margin that is intended to become binding.
* Gutter Position: Layout gutter.
* Orientation: setting the direction of printed pages with Portrait (lengthwise) and Landscape (wide).
* Preview: Word screen display.
2. Paper Size
a. Click on the SIZE, then specify the desired paper size.
b. If no corresponding click More Paper Size
Example: A4, Legal, etc.
C. Procedure Writing Microsoft Word 2007

    For typing capital letters at the beginning of a word or phrase, press the Shift key along with the key initial letters of words (if the Caps Lock is not alive)
    For typing text in all capital letters, press the Caps Lock key.
    To remove a word or phrase to the left press the Backspace key.
    To remove a word or phrase right hand press the Delete key.
    To lower the cursor to the next line press the Enter key.
    To enter a new paragraph press the Tab key.
    To provide space on a sentence or word press Spacing.
    To go to the beginning of a sentence of text press the Home button.
    To go to the end of a sentence of text press the End button.
    To activate the keyboard number keys right hand press the Num Lock key.

D. Setting Text Alignment Microsoft Word
To align text, choose one of the alignment of the desired shape:
Align Left (Ctrl + L): the text alignment left.
Center (Ctrl + E): Alignment of text in the middle.
Align Right (Ctrl + R): text alignment right.
Justify (Ctrl + J): alignment of text to the left and right

A. Creating Block In Text

    Using the keyboard, place the cursor at the beginning of the word / phrase that would diblock
    Press the Shift key while pressing the arrow (->) to the beginning of the word / phrase.

Or can use the Mouse

    Click left without removable (drag) at the beginning of the word / phrase that would diblock
    Drag the mouse pointer to the end of a word / phrase that would diblock
    Remove the click of the mouse

To eliminate the block mark in text click anywhere in the document window.
B. Copying word / phrase
Block word / phrase to be copied

    Click the icon Copy or Ctrl + C
    Place the cursor at the place you want to put a copy of the results
    Click the Paste icon or with Ctrl + V

C. Move word / phrase

    Block word / phrase to be moved
    Click Cut or click on the icon with the Ctrl + X
    Place the cursor at the place you want to move.
    Click the icon paste or with Ctrl + V

D. Canceling Orders
When typing unintentionally make mistakes, both in editing, formatting, and so forth then use:
Undo (Ctrl + Z): Cancels the editing.
Redo (Ctrl + Y): Cancels the editing cancellation
E. Change Case -
1. Block phrase / word that you want to change the format of the letter.
2. Click the Home menu - Change Case

    Sentence case: Changing the text sentence beginning with a capital letter.
    lowercase: Change a word or sentence in lowercase.
    Uppercase: Change a word or a sentence with a capital letter.
    Title Case: Changing the beginning of each word capitalized.
    Tongle Case: Changing the beginning of each word in lowercase

F. Find, Replace, and Go To -
1. Find (search)

    Click the Find icon or press Ctrl + F
    Type a search term in the Find What box
    Click Find Next to search
    Close the window display (X) Find and Replace

2. Replace (Change)

    Click Replace icon or press Ctrl + H
    Type the words that exist in the document you want to be replaced in the Find What box
    Type the word replacement in the Replace With box
    Click Replace All (To replace all the words) or Replace (to replace one word only)
    Close the Find and Replace window display

3. Go To (Go To Page Specific)

    Click the icon Go To or press Ctrl + G
    Type the number or the destination page number in the Enter Page Number.
    Then click Next

A. Set Paragraph and Space

    Click the icon Paragraph
    Click the Indent and Spacing
    At Spacing determine how much space you want
    Click Ok.

Or by other means:
- Block phrase you want to set the paragraph
- Press the button combination:
o For the first space press Ctrl + 1 (Single)
o To 1½ space press Ctrl + 5 (1.5 lines)
o For the second space press Ctrl + 2 (Double)
B. Bullets and Numbering
1. Bullets

    Block or mark parts of the text you want to create Bullets.
    Click the Home tab click the icon bullet
    To select the type of bullet click the Panak down, click the bullet you expect.
    It also could choose another alternative Bulleted by clicking Define New Bullet.
    Click Character, and then select the type of Bulleted you want.
    Click OK

2. Numbered

    Block or mark parts of the text you want to create numbered.
    Click the Home tab click the icon numbered
    To select the type of bullet click the Panak down, click the bullet you expect.
    It also could choose another alternative Bulleted by clicking Define New Bullet.
    Click Character, and then select the type of Bulleted you want.
    Click OK

C. Borders and Shading
1. Create Border
From the Page Layout tab click the page borders
Page Border: Making the frame page.
* Setting: Choose a frame shape page.
* Style: Choose a frame shape yard line.
* Color: Choose the color of the frame page.
* Width: Selecting a frame line thickness pages.
* Art: Selecting the type of page frame.
* Options: Provides an option on the distance frame.
Click OK
2. Creating Columns
Click the Page Layout tab
* Click the icon Columns
* Specify the number of columns you want
* If there is no corresponding click More coloums, then specify the number of columns.
- Number of columns: Specifies the number of columns.
- Width: Specifies the width of the column
- Preview: Preview a while
* Click on OK
3. Creating a Drop Cap
* Click the Insert tab
* Click on the Icon Drop Cap
* Select Dropped or In margin
* If the form is not in accordance click Drop Cap Options
* Define the settings:
- Position: Select the desired text layout.
- Font: Select a typeface.
- Lines to drop: Determine the amount of the high line drop cap.
- Distance from text: Modify the distance drop cap to the text
* Click on OK
D. Insert Page Number Ms. Word 2007
To be able to insert a number on each sheet or page in Microsoft Word 2007, please follow the steps below:

    Click the Insert tab
    Click the icon Page Number
    Click the down arrow and specify the position number
    If none of these work, please click Page Number Format

Format: modify the format of the page number.
* Number format: Select the format of page numbers.
* Page numbering: Set the order of page numbers.
- Continue from previous section: Page numbering sequentially from beginning to end.
- Start At: Setting the beginning page number

E. Creating Header and Footer Ms. Word 2007

    Click on the icon Header or Footer
    Click the down arrow and specify the position of Header
    Fill in the notes on the column header and note down the column Footer
    Click Close

F. Insert Text Word Art In Ms. Word 2007

    Click on the icon WrdArt
    Click the down arrow and select a design WordArt.
    Edit WordArt Text: Type the text in the text box.

* Font: Select a typeface.
* Size: Choose the font size.
* B (Bold): WordArt text boldface.
* I (Italic): WordArt text italic

    Click OKG. Inserting images In Microsoft Word 2007
        Click the icon ClipArt
        In the Insert ClipArt task pane, click Clip Organizer and select an existing image.
        Click the Copy command and close the Microsoft Clip Organizer
        Click the Paste command
        Inserting an image from File
        Click Icon Picture
        Select an existing image file - Click the Insert button
    A. Creating a Word Table

    => Click the Insert tab Click the icon Table
    => Click the down arrow and specify the number of rows and columns required. If no shape corresponding column, click the Insert Table
    o Table size: size table.
    * Number of columns: Define the number of columns.
    * Number of rows: Specify the number of rows
    o AutoFit behavior: Fit the table automatically.
    o AutoFormat: Select format tables.
    => OK
    B. Processing Facility Table
    From the Tab menu select:
        Table Draw: Draw a box table.
        Insert: insert tables, columns, rows or cells.
        Delete: Delete the tables, columns, rows or cells.
        Select: Selecting tables, columns, rows or cells.
        Merge Cells: Combining cells.
        Split Cells: Dividing cells.
        Split Table: Dividing tables.
        Table AutoFormat: Choosing a table format.
        Auto Fit: fitting the column / row automatically.
        Heading Rows Repeat: Repeating a title table to table next page.
        Convert: Change the type of writing text into a table or vice versa.
        Sort: Sort the table data.
        Formula: Operating calculation table data.
        Hide Gridlines: Hide the auxiliary lines of the table.
        Table Properties: modifying tables, columns, rows or cells

    C. How to Use Formula in Microsoft Word 2007
        Place the cursor on the cell that will be filled formula
        Click the Layout tab
        Click on the icon Formula
        Fill the box with the Formula

        Description: o = Product (Left) → To multiply all the numbers that exist left o = Product (Right) → To multiply all the numbers that exist right side o = Product (Above) → To multiply all the numbers that exist on top o = Sum ( Left) → To add all the numbers that exist left o = Sum (Right) → To add all the numbers that exist right side o = Sum (Above) → To add all the numbers that exist upon it
        Click OK
    HOW TO USE AutoShapes
    a. Creating AutoShapes
        Click the Insert tab click the icon Shapes.
        Click the down arrow.
        Select the desired shape.
        Put the mouse pointer at the beginning of the picture.
        then drag (drag) in accordance with the wishes and drag her off.

    b. Entering Text on the AutoShapes
        Click the AutoShape picture that you want to fill the text in it
        Click the Text Box icon
        Click AutoShape pointer on the image you want to fill posts in it
        Type the desired text in the box

        Right-click the AutoShape picture that you want to fill the text in it
        Click the Add Text
        Type the desired text in the box
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