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Start Microsoft Excel

To start using Microsoft Excel, there are several ways that you can use are as follows:First step1. Turn on the computer beforehand2. Click the Start button on the Taskbar Computers3. Select the All Programs menu, select Microsoft Office4. Then click Microsoft Excel 2007Both ways1. Turn on the computer beforehand2. Double-click the Microsoft Excel 2007 icon that is on your computer desktop.Third way1. Turn on the computer beforehand2. Press the Windows key combination (flag in the lower left corner) and R keys simultaneously (Wndows + R), it will display a small dialog box in the lower left corner.3. Type Excel then press the Enter key.You are free to choose how to start Microsoft Excel above according to your taste, the most important thing is the next action after you Learn Microsoft Excel For Beginners is what you would do, if you will really learn the formula Microsoft Excel or just know then you close the back Microsoft Excel 2007, all back to you.To simplify the explanation, please note the picture above, article length, width and Total that is in cell A3, and A4 are of the type label. While the number 6 (length value) and 5 (value width) is of the type numeric. Figures 30 (total) is the product of the length and width (B3 value times the value B4). The latest data is beritipe formula. Well now already know the difference between right, where the data type using the Label, Numerical and Formula.Getting to know the function or formula Microsoft ExcelOnce familiar with Microsoft Excel data type, and can start using the application now we try to discuss excel excel formulas are often used in the workplace or office administration.1. Function AverageThis function is used to find the average value of a set of data (range). Is a common form of writing;= AVERAGE (number1, number2, ...), where number1, number2, and so is the range of data to be searched average value. For example, to fill an average value of the data range E8 until the G8, then the formula is = AVERAGE (E8: G8) and then press the Enter key.

2. Function SumSUM function is used to add a set of data on a range. Common forms of writing this function is = SUM (number1, number2, ...). Where number1, number2 and so is the range of data to be aggregated. For example, to add the data range E8 until the G8, then the formula is = SUM (E8: G8) and then press the Enter key.3. Max FunctionThis function is used to find the highest value of a set of data (range). Is a common form of writing;= MAX (number1, number2, ...), where number1, number2, and so is the range of data (numeric) to search its highest value. For example, to search for the maximum value of the data range E8 until the G8, then the formula is = MAX (E8: G8) and then press the Enter key.4. Function MinMin function is the opposite of the Max function, if the function Max to find the highest value or maximum then Min is to find the smallest or minimum value of a set of numerical data. Is a common form of writing;= MIN (number1, number2, ...), where number1, number2, and so is the range of data (numeric) to search its highest value. For example, to search for the lowest value of the data range E8 until the G8, then the formula is = MIN (E8: G8) and then press the Enter key.5. Function CountCount function is used to calculate the amount of data from a range that we choose. Is a common form of writing;= COUNT (number1, number2, ...), where number1, number2, and so is the range of data (numeric) which will count the amount of data. For example, to calculate jmlah data from the data range E8 until the G8, then the formula is = COUNT (E8: G8) and then press the Enter key.6. IF Function LogicThis function is used if the data entered have certain conditions. For example, if the value of cell A1 = 1, then the result 2, if not, it will be worth 0. Typically this function is assisted by an operator relation (comparison) as follows:Emblem Function= Equal to<Smaller than> Greater than<= Smaller or equal to> = Greater than or equal to<> Not equal toCommon forms of writing this function is;= IF (logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false), meaning that if the logical expression (logical_test) is true, then the command on value_if_true will be implemented, if it is wrong, then the command on value_if_false be implemented.
Remark column filled with provisions, if the SIGNS column is equal to K, then the statement KAWIN, if not, then the statement contains SINGLE . This can be solved by the formula = IF (C3 = "K", "
MARRIED", "SINGLE"). In the formula above, we see that if the data type of text / numeric alpha must be enclosed in double quotation marks, another case with numeric data types, should not use quotation marks. Now what if there are several conditions / terraced (IF-rise) as in the case of student grades. Not to worry, just look at the picture above on the right of the table. = IF (H3> = 81, "A", IF (H3> = 66, "B", IF (H3> = 56, "C", IF (H3> 40, "D", "E"))) ), the same thing can also be done to fill in the information, provided that, if the value of the letters are the same as "A", the statement "VERY SATISFACTORY, if the" B "then" SATISFACTORY ", if" C ", then" ENOUGH ", and if "D" then worth "LESS", apart from that, it is worth "FAIL". Well now understand how to use the IF function, now directly practiced deh so as not to forget.How to Write an Excel FormulasHaving known some excel formulas are often used for the administration of the above, so now we discuss how to write formulas excel in the area of ​​the worksheet.Method 1: Write the formula by typing numbers directly• Put the cell pointer in the cell where the formula results will be displayed• In the formula bar, type = 5000000 + 3500000, and then press the enter key.Note: Writing a formula in this way is quite easy if the formula is simple and short as well as the score remained.Method 2: Write a formula using the cell addresses• Put the cell pointer in the cell where the formula results displayed• In the formula bar, type = C4 + C5, and then press the enter key.Note: Writing a formula in this way is very useful if the data changes frequently.Method 3: Write the formula with the help of mouse• Put the cell pointer in the cell where the formula results will be displayed• Type =, and then select and click cell C4• Type +, and then select and click cell C5• Press the enter keyNote: Writing a formula in this way is highly recommended because it reduces the possibility of any type in the address of the cell.Math operator Frequently UsedThe formula is an important part of the Excel program, because each table, and documents that we type will always be associated with formulas and functions. Mathematical operators that will be used in the formula is as follows:+ Addition- Reduction* Multiplication/ Distribution^ Powers% PercentageThe calculation process will be conducted in accordance with the degree of order from the operator, starting from the rank (^), multiply (*), or divide (/), plus (+) or minus (-). If your work is related to the statistical data, then you will often find mathematical operators above.Out of the way Microsoft Excel 2007 worksheetWhen you've finished making or repairing workbook and want to come out of Microsoft Excel, you can use the Office Button and then select Close or by clicking on the cross that is on the top right corner of the screen. But do not forget to save your work beforehand by pressing the Save icon on the toolbar or key combination CTRL + S.

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