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On this occasion brodhenz will discuss how to create an email, what email and functions of email. In this tutorial will be discussed in detail step by step on how to create emailEmail is a communication tool that is cheap, fast, and efficient. Email is a diversified communications tool in the form of electronic mail and the Internet is one of the applications that are used in correspondence.The usefulness of email is so large, most people make the email to the need to create an account, whether the account facebook, twitter and other social media. At the moment we want to create a web 2.0 or want to make a free web, we will also need email. Basically all kinds of services that are on the internet either free or paid, usually provide the registration page, and will be required when registering an email address.Fortunately, in making the e-mail is not required charge. Okay, let's start making a free email account to start sending and receiving email.How to make a New Email GmailTo make it easier to understand and follow the way of making email, tutorial how to create a new email complete with drawings made with simple step by step.

  • Visit  
The first step to create an email account with Gmail, Google's free email service, is to visit the main sites Gmail. Type "" into the navigation bar of your browser, or vice versa, type "Gmail" into a search engine of your choice and click the relevant results. Click "Create account" On the Gmail login screen, see the link at the account creation under the login form. Click this link to continue on to the account creation process.

  • Login Form Gmail
• Enter your personal information. Enter your first name and last name, specify a password and your birthday. In the next column, you will be asked to gender, telephone number and email address alternatives. To fill an alternate email address is optional.

  • Renaming
Select the email address and password. On the same account creation page, you will be prompted to menentukian email address and password. The password that you choose a minimum of eight characters, while the email address you created has never been used by anyone else. Enter this information in the appropriate box. You must type the password twice to confirm accuracy.

  • Enter Password
Scroll down until you see a picture that contains several numbers. Type these numbers into the designated box - this ensures that you are human and not robots who try to register the email account. If you do not want to participate in this verification process, you will be asked to verify by phone.

  • Human verification
Check the box next to the text that says "I agree to the Google Terms of Service and Privacy Policy." This signifies that you understand and agree on the terms, click "next step."

  • Tick ​​Agreement
Congratulations! We have managed to create a new Gmail account :). Quite finished here, please click the "Continue to Gmail" to access your email inbox.

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